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TUAF Mission - Vision - Core Values

08/03/2022 16:27 - Xem: 5303


The mission of University of Agriculture and Forestry - Thai Nguyen University is to “train undergraduates, postgraduates, scientific researches and technology transfers in the fields of agriculture, forestry, rural development, natural resources and environment in order to create highly qualified human resources, scientific and technological products serving the integration of industrialization, modernization for the Midlands and Northern mountainous areas in the country”.


By 2030, University of Agriculture and Forestry - Thai Nguyen University will be one of the leading universities in Vietnam, recognized as the quality assurance of higher education in the ASEAN University Network-Quality Assurance (AUN - QA).

Educational philosophy

The educational philosophy of the University is “Comprehensive development, reality and integration”. The detailed information is presented as follows:

Comprehensive development: Learners are trained to have good qualities in moral, atitudes and behaviors, professional knowledge and skills; enhance learning capacities; develop creativity thinking; take social responsibilities; raise up the community consciousness; be patriotic and be faithful to the noble ideal of national independence.

 Reality: The educational training is always associated with the needs of socio-economic development, scientific and technological progress; standards and modernization in accordance with present requirements of labor force. The process of teaching and learning is carried out according to the principle of hands-on learning in which students learn by doing; the education at university has been combined with the family and society. The teaching method is the learner-centered and is oriented toward a positive inclusion and lifelong learning 

 Integration: The training programs are developed on the basis of referencing, inheriting the advanced training programs of prestigious universities in the world and are accredited according to international standards. The learning environment and quality assurance conditions at the University attract good experts and international students to work, do the research and study. Lecturers and graduates have foreign language proficiency and working capacity to meet the requirements of international integration.

Core Values 

The University is always oriented towards educational and training core values: Quality, Responsibility, Equality and Creativeness.