Home RESEARCH Research Centers and Institutes Aquatic Research and Development Center

Aquatic Training, Research and Development Center in the Northeast

03/06/2021 07:19 - Xem: 4285
The Aquatic Training, Research and Development Center in the Northeast formerly known as Practical and Experimental Center, which was established in 1970. Since its establishment, this center has gained significant achievements in training, research, technology transfer in Agriculture and Aquatic for the northern mountainous region of Viet Nam.
The Aquatic Training, Research and Development Center in the Northeast formerly known as Practical and Experimental Center, which was established in 1970. Since its establishment, this center has gained significant achievements in training, research, technology transfer in Agriculture and Aquatic for the northern mountainous region of Viet Nam.


              The Aquatic Training, Research and Development Center to train professional skills for students at different levels in the university. Besides, conducting research and transferring technology in aquatic and agricultural fields as its major missions, development of mountainous province in the North of Vietnam.

Functions and Duties

1. Functions

            - To provide training and apprenticeship in the field of aquaculture for students who are major in aquiculture and other branches.

            - To provide training on job skills for famers in the northern mountainous provinces

            - To conduct research related to science and technology transfer in the field of Agriculture, Forestry and Aquatics for northern mountainous provinces.

            - To conduct experiment on new species in order to put into breeding structure as: Latescalcarifer, ĐườngThành tilapia, King tilapia, ĐườngNghiệp tilapia.

            - To assess the biodiversity and genetic conservation of aquatic animals, livestock, agro-forestry crops.

            - To organize projects for aquaculture development planning and rural agriculture to the northern mountainous provinces.

            - To develop breed and commercial fish which warrant hygiene and food safety.

            - To produce aquatic food. 

2. Duties

            - To develop cooperation or linkage with domestic and foreign organizations in implementing research about science & technological transfer in the field of agriculture, forestry and aquatics in the northern mountainous provinces.

            - To plan and consult projects related to agriculture, forestry and aquatics.  To produce and consume productions such as fish kept for breeding purposes, commercial fish which can warrant hygiene and safe food and aquatic food.

            - To develop a model testing and demonstration center of scientific and technical progress in aquaculture for practical training of students and farmers in the northern mountainous provinces.

            - To produce pure fish stocks in order togenerate high quality breeds at the center to meet the demands of consumers.

            - To establish linkage with Institutes and faculties to do research and, likewise, to develop food formula for aquatic species

            - To produce aquatic food as outcome research findings.

            - To have genetic conservation of fish, the species of rare native plants in the region.

            - To make the center become a center of practical training, research and technology transfer in agriculture, forestry and aquatics in the northern mountainous region of Vietnam.

            - To transfer technology in the field of agriculture, forestry and aquatics for farmers of northern mountainous provinces.

- To guide professional practice in the field of aquaculture, aquatic feed production.

            - To provide a conducive place for lecturers, students, trainees who are major in aquatics to do their thesis or scientific research.

The current status of facilities and results of research and technology transfer

            - The Aquatic Training, Research and Development Center is a center that belongs to  Thai Nguyen university of Agriculture and Forestry.

            - Land area: 5,2 ha, including 3,2 ha of pond, 1,4 ha of reserve pond, 0,6 ha of administrative departments and garden.

1. Facilities

The facilities of Aquatic Training, Research and Development center includes:

            - Administrative department is situated in a 3-storey laboratory building, with  1000m2 floor. It is well equipped with 5 computers (interne access),  3 printers, 1 photocopier, 1 projector...

            - The lab systems in the field of Aquatics include: sampling museum, aquatic diseases, chemistry and environment, microbiology practice, and aquatic life laboratory.

+ Sampling museum lab has 76 samples with 2 kinds of fish at 2 sections: Ba Bể and Hồng&Cầuriver.

+ The labs of aquatic diseases, chemistry and environment, microbiology practice, and aquatic life are equipped with machines, chemicals used in conducting research, training and other scientific research.

            - The machines for scientific research are: 1 oxygen measuring machine, 2 PH indicators, 40 150W aerations, 5 pumps, food processing machine.

            - There are 23 ponds in the pond system with 3.2 ha total area. All ponds have active drains.

            - The system for artificial breeding technology includes:

+The system for breeding and fish parents :05 tanks, 6m diameter with Compuzit material

+ Rectangular tank system for hatching eggs: 10 tanks with compuzit material

+Tank system for tilapia hatchery include: 2 circulating pools with the volume of 6 m3. There are 60 hatching egg trays with a capacity of 600.000 eggs/time. 

+ Jar system with the big capacity of 120 litres: 6 jars

+ Jar system with the small capacity of 15 litres: 30 jars

+ Aeration System with 1 system leads air Φ21 to all tanks.

+ Circular biology water filtration systems supply clean water to the tanks.

+ Industrial wells and 1 tanks containing 150m3 clean water supply water to breeding house.

            -  Systems use for artificial breeding with all supplementary works such as:

 + 2 biofilter tanks

 + 1 tanks for spawning fish with the diameter of 6m.

 + 4 hatching tanks with the diameter of 3,2m 

 + High technological breeding houses with the area of 820m2.

 + Food producing factory with the capacity of 540kg/hour. 

 + 320 KVA substation, outdoor electrical systems, 12KVA generator.

 + Pump station with capacity of 270m3/hour can pump water directly from stream to ponds.

 + Office equipment.

2. Recent experience and achievement

            + Research conducted in 2005: Research about the “Application of manufacturing technology of 2-3 mixed-blood carp at Thai Nguyen university of Agriculture and Forestry”.

            + Research conducted in 2006: “Application of manufacturing technology of male single gender tilapia by 17a-Methyltestosterone”, then the proportion of male tilapia in the population was over 98%.

            + Researches conducted in 2010 and 2011: “Research and transfer manufacturing technology of 2-3 mixed-blood carp in Ha Giang in 2010 and in Cao Bang in 2011”.

+ Research and transfer manufacturing technology of male single gender tilapia by 17a-Methyltestosterone in Ha Giang in 2009 and in Cao Bang in 2010.

            + Currently, center is implementing the research: The genetic conservation and manufacturing of Squaliobarbuscurriculus by artificial breeding in Thai Nguyen..

            + Research on assessment of water in order to build a model of Acipenser, salmon for the development of economy and society in Ha Giang in 2012.

            + A project: Building a model of fish raising for intensive cultivation to warrant hygiene and food safety in Thai Nguyen in 2007. This project was appreciated by scientific committee

          + Project: Application of manufacturing technology of male single gender tilapia by 17a-Methyltestosterone in Thai Nguyen.

          + Transfer technology, train employees in the process of Acipenser breeding for 2 companies in Thai Nguyen, including ĐôngBắc rural development company and TuấnVinhcompany in 2012.

         + Transfer technology, train employees in the process of Trionyxsteindachneri in BắcNinh in 2012.

         + Build models in Agriculture and aquatic sectors in 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010…in TháiNguyên, TuyênQuang, PhúThọ, LạngSơn...

            With the results of projects and research mentioned above, there are currently 33 technical processes which are suitable with economic-social conditions of northern mountainous provinces in the field of Aquatics.

- The manufacturing technology of male single gender tilapia by 17a-Methyltestosterone (3 processes)

            - Manufacturing technology of 2-3 mixed-blood carp (4 processes)

            - The technology of fish raising for intensive cultivation to warrant hygiene and food safety (6 processes)

            - Acipenser raising technology (6 processes)

            -Trionyxsteindachneri technology (10 processes)

The center has linked with the college of Aquatic Tu Son - BacNinh in training workers in the field of Aquatics in Dai Tu, Thai Nguyen…. There have been 150 workers trained at intermediate level since 2006, 2007….

In collaboration with the National Extension Center, there were 5 classes organized for aquaculture techniques in Thai Nguyen, TuyenQuang, PhuTho

 3. Implemented topics, scientific duties, projects

- Genetic conservation of Hemibagrusguttatus in Thai Nguyen

- Genetic conservation of Cinnamomumparthenoxylon in Thai Nguyen

- Food producing for fish by available materials in Thai Nguyen

-Building a model of Moringaoleifera as a kind of vegetable in Thai Nguyen



Address: Quyet Thang commune- Thai Nguyen- Viet Nam

Tel: 02803.852.911   fax: 02803.752.878