Home FACULTIES AND ADMINISTRATION Departments and Centers Department of Research and International Affairs

Department of Research and International Affairs

03/06/2021 10:07 - Xem: 4784
Department of Research and International Affairs is a supporting office for the Rector for development and management of research, extension and international affairs to meet the demands of improving training and staff quality and for the socio-economic development of the Country.

Department of Research and International Affairs


1. Function and Responsibility

  • Accompanying the Committee of Science and Training of the school in building action plan, monitoring and assessing activities concerning science research and international relations.
  • Building and enhancing strategies and orientations in: science research and technology transfer, relations to ministries, agencies and localities to contribute to the socio-economic development of the country. 
  • Establishing relationships to ministries, agencies and localities, government and non-government organizations to make use of the funds to serve the training and research activites of the school.
  • Coordinating with other divisions in implementing science management activities to examine the progress of the research topics in accordance with the state’s requirements.
  • Coordinating with other divisions to promote the establishment and expansion of international cooperations to make contributions to improving the quality of training capability, science research and technology transfer of the school.
  • Providing assistance to other divisions and the school board of directors in building and managing projects, calling for investments from government and non-government organizations to make use of the funds from international agencies.
  • Building plans and examining regulations to programmes, projects and international cooperations activites of the school to increase the efficiency and ensure the legality of those activities in accordance with the school’s benefits and national interests.
  • Providing assistance in planning teaching and researching staff, selecting training staff, interns to do research and participate in Committee of Science and Committee of Nominating Academic Titles and People’s Teacher.
  • Managing and making effective uses of the facilities assigned by the schoolboard.
  • Supervising to the Rector in issuing documents of policies, regulations and guidelines for Science and International Affairs works.
  • Building and submitting to the Rector documents of directions, orientations, regulations and internal policies in science research, technology transfer and international relations.

2. Director Board's Responsibility

* Director. 

  • Director of Science and International Affairs works as a member of the Committee of Science and Training, along with some other ones.
  • Providing general management and being in charge of all activities concerning Science and International Affairs.
  • Supervising to the Rector in building strategies,
  • Coordinating with other divisions in building projects to use the funds from related ministries and agencies to conduct research.
  • Seeking, building and promoting science research and technology transfer cooperation with national and international localities, universities and research institutions.
  • Establishing relationships with local officials, government and non-government organizations to make use of the funds to serve the training and researching activities of the school.
  • Coordinating with other divisions in implementing science management activities to examine the progress of the research topics in accordance with the state’s requirements
  • Coordinating with other divisions to promote the establishment and expansion of international cooperations to make contributions to improving the quality of training capability, science research and technology transfer of the school.
  • Supervising to the Rector in building and managing projects and research topics to call for investment and aids from government and non-gevernment organizations to make use of fundings from international agencies.
  • Providing guidelines in implementing plans concerning approved science and international affairs.
  • Providing assistance to the Rector in building plans and examining regulations to programmes, projects and international cooperations activites of the school to increase the efficiency and ensure the legality of those activities in accordance with the school’s benefits and national interests.
  • Providing assistance in planning teaching and researching staff, selecting training staff, interns to do research and participate in Committee of Science and Committee of Nominating Academic Titles and People’s Teacher.
  • Being in charge of personnels, resource development and staff encouragement.
  • Managing and making effective uses of the facilities assigned by the schoolboard.
  • Supervising to the Rector in issuing documents of policies, regulations and guidelines for Science and International Affairs works.
  • Reporting and staying under the management of the Board of Administration.
  • Building and submitting to the Rector documents of directions, orientations, regulations and internal policies in science research, technology transfer and productionss.
  • Participating in professional teaching.
  • Representing the Rector to sign and stamp in documents relating to functions and tasks if delegated by the Rector.

* Vice Director for Science Affair

  • Being in charge of all the activities concerning science research annd technology transfer.
  • Hosting science research applications of all level. Building annual programmes, research plans, technology transfer for productions of the school including projects, research topics, productions contracts and international cooperation topics.
  • Providing guidelines in implementing approved plans, examining the uses of facilities and fundings to give ways for
  • Examining the projects, research topics and contracts to the process; ensuring the accounting settlement folloing financial regulations.
  • Preparing the content and hosting workshop and symposia of the school, the professions; supervising to the Youth Union and the Students Association in hosting Annual Students Science Conferences.
  • Supporting with Division of Internal Policies Protections to protect national secrets in science and technology; hosting communications in science and technology, indepth investments in equipments and properties for graduate education.
  • Hosting examining the receiving and posting scientific journals on local national and international scientific magazines.
  • Examining the staff’s attitude while working at the division.
  • Ensuring the periodic and unexpected reports to relevant divisions on science management of the school
  • Managing and making effective use of equipments and properties of the division.
  • Coordinating with relevant divisions to implement:
  • Coordinating with the division of Finance in building plans of process for science cooperations with agencies in the country and the world.
  • Coordinating with the division of Administration and Services in building facilities and infrastructure for science research and training.
  • Coordinating with the administrative division to establish or dissolve research and working divisions in the school.
  • Coordinating with the division of education and the Youth Union to organize training-related research activities and clubs of science and technology.
  • Coordinating with the division of Finance, Training, Graduate School, Committee of Emulation in planning teaching and researching staff, selecting training staff, interns to do research and participate in Committee of Science and Committee of Nominating Academic Titles and People’s Teacher or Typical Teacher of the agent.
  • Reporting and staying under the management of Head of the Division.
  • Participating in professional teaching (if eligible)
  • Representing the Rector to sign and stamp in documents relating to functions and tasks if delegated by the Rector.

* Vice Director of International Affairs

  • Director or Vice Director of scientific management and international affairs division, as permitted by the principal, will sign and affix the school seal onto documents under the principal’s responsibility.
  • Together with director, working as consultant for the principal in developing strategies and orienting the development of international cooperation with a view to assisting work of trainings, scientific research and improvement of staff’s ability and material sources
  • In charge of managing operations related to implement of Advanced Education Program: organizing reception and working with international delegations, managing delegations’ entrance and exit, establishing procedures related to delegations’ entrance and exit and international projects, etc.
  • Coordinating with units of developing international cooperative projects to make use of international fundings, which assists trainings and researching
  • Examining, supervising and evaluating international cooperative projects carried out by the school.
  • Coordinating with other divisions in broadening international cooperation in compliance with laws
  • Coordinating with division of internal political protection in implementing works of state secrets in politics and science and technology.
  • Examining and supervising staff of international affairs divisions
  • Ensuring periodic and unscheduled reports on the school’s international affairs to related agencies
  • Managing and efficiently using equipments of the international affairs division
  • Participating in professional teaching
  • In charge of reporting to, and under the management of the director


  • Certificate of merit from the Ministry of Education and Trainings: 2006 - present.
  • The title of Excellent labor collective in 10 years

Contact Address:

Department of Research and International Affairs

Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry

Quyet Thang Ward, Thai Nguyen City, Vietnam

Tel: (+84) 02806 285 027 (+84)  Fax: (+84)208.2490.866

