Home RESEARCH Research Centers and Institutes Agriculture and Forestry Research Center (ADC)

Agriculture and Forestry Research and Development Center for Mountainous Region (ADC)

03/06/2021 10:44 - Xem: 3468
Agriculture and Forestry Research and Development Center for Mountainous Region (ADC) was established from January 14th, 1991 according to Decision N0 124/TCCB of Minister of Education and Training on January 14th, 1991 and operating license No 046, granted on March 25th,1993 by Minister of Science, Technology and Environment. The center is a non-profit organization (Vietnam Non-Government Organization – VNGO) operating under an independent mechanism, having separated office, account and stamp.

Agriculture and Forestry Research and Development Center for Mountainous Region (ADC) was established from January 14th, 1991 according to Decision N124/TCCB of Minister of Education and Training on January 14th, 1991 and operating license No 046, granted on March 25th,1993 by Minister of Science, Technology and Environment. The center is a non-profit organization (Vietnam Non-Government Organization – VNGO) operating under an independent mechanism, having separated office, account and stamp.


  •    Researching (implementing research on agriculture and forestry, forestry, fishery and animal husbandry, managing and conserving natural resources, socio-economic ….).
  •    Assessing (environmental impacts, impacts of programs/projects, eliminating hunger programs …).
  •    Transferring new science and technology in order to develop and increase values for local people.
  •    Policy reviewing, policy consulting.
  •    Development Planning.
  •    Training, coaching.


  1. Implementing research activities on agriculture and forestry, forestry, fishery and animal husbandry, climate change, managing and conserving natural resources and sustainable livelihoods.
  2. Evaluating impacts on socio-economic, environment of programs/projects.
  3. Transferring advanced science and technology of agriculture and forestry, forestry, fishery and animal husbandry, conserving natural resources, climate change and developing socio-economic for mountainous area in the north of Vietnam.
  4. Collaborating with international organizations, investors in building, implementing research projects in order to enhance ability, voice and participation of ethnic minorities in northern mountainous areas in decisions which are related to rights of ethnic minorities.
  5. Conducting research in forest and forest land zoning.
  6. Training, coaching farmers in agriculture and forestry, forestry, fishery and animal husbandry fields, models need to be transferred into visual documents for training and coaching.   


Office address: Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry – Quyet Thang Commune, Thai Nguyen City

Telephone:    +84.2803.851822

Fax:               +84.2803.851822


Bank account number: 102010000547488 at Bank for Industry and Trade, Thai Nguyen branch