Home RESEARCH Research Centers and Institutes Mountainous Resources and Environmental Center

Mountainous Resources and Environmental Center

03/06/2021 09:53 - Xem: 3046
The Mountainous Resources and Environmental Center is a unit, directly under Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry, which operates in accordance with the laws of Vietnam and is managed by the Rector.

The Mountainous Resources and Environmental Center is a unit, directly under Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry, which operates in accordance with the laws of Vietnam and is managed by the Rector.

Functions:  Provide scientific and technical consultancy services in the field of natural resources , environment and climate change in order to contribute to the process of social economic development, the rational use of resources Natural, and environmental protection in the midlands and northern mountainous region, namely:

1. To provide scientific and technical consultancy services in the field of land management, environmental protection and climate change;

2. To provide consultancy services in the area of land use planning;

3. To plan procedure, regulations, and economic-technical standards in the field of research, survey and investigation related to resources and environmental activities;

4. To provide consultancy services in mapping database, designing and building;

5. To provide consultancy services in survey and assessment of land classification and unit map building.

6. To study Climate Change, GIS, and Remote Sensing

7. To provide consultancy services in planning environment and building reports about Environmental Impact Assessment and Strategic Environmental Assessment, and to assess the environmental status and propose solutions in treatment ofenvironmental contamination.

To provide consultancy services in assessment of the environmental status and propose solutions in treatment of environmental contamination in companies, urban areas, industrial zones, export processing zones, rural areas, areas of agriculture - forestry – fisheries in required by the State authorities, domestic and foreign organizations and enterprises.

8. To co-operate with domestic and foreign organizations about implementation of programs and projects for transfer of science and technology in the fields of environment and natural resources.

9. To provide consultancy services in investigation, assessment and planning of biodiversity, natural conservation and conservation of rare genes.

10. To provide consultancy services in technique and restoration of landscape ecology, research on catalog and solutions of protecting animals and plants in the endangered regions.

11. To provide consultancy services in technique and treatment of environmental contamination: wastewater, waste gas, solid waste, and agricultural, industrial and household wastes.

12. To provide consultancy services inin technique and application of information technology in researching onenvironment, resources and new energy sources.