Home FACULTIES AND ADMINISTRATION Faculties Faculty of Basic Sciences

Introduction of Faculty of Basic Sciences

27/05/2021 15:32 - Xem: 3362
The Faculty of Basic Sciences under the University of Agriculture and Forestry was founded in 1969 and was re-established in May 2006 pursuant to the Decision No 83/QĐ-TCCB issued by the President of Thai Nguyen University. Its main objective is to provide general knowledge of basic sciences to students from different faculties and different programmes of the university (including full-time regular, part-time and international students).

  Faculty of Basic Sciences


1. Overview

The Faculty of Basic Sciences - Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry was established in February 1970 with the name Faculty of General Subjects (also known as the Faculty of Basic Subjects - Foreign Languages) and then it was named Faculty of Cultivation- In-service Training (1984-1989).  From 1996 to 2006, the faculty was under General University and the colleges of Thai Nguyen University.

In May 2006, the faculty was re-established under Decision No. 83/QD-TCCB of the President of Thai Nguyen University with the name: Faculty of Basic Sciences - University of Agriculture and Forestry - Thai Nguyen University. Its main objective is to provide general knowledge of basic sciences to students from different majors of the university (including full-time regular, part-time and international students).

From May 2006 to May 2019, it was organized into 5 groups of subjects and in charge of teaching 8 courses namely Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Political Theory, Sociology, Vietnamese and Physical Education.

From June 2019 to now, its organizational structure has been narrowed, including 2 divisions namely Natural Sciences (Math - Physics, Chemistry - Biology) and Social Sciences (Vietnamese – Sociology, Political Theory, Physical Education).

 In the early days of its establishment in 1970 with only 5 lecturers. Up to now, it has been developing rapidly both in terms of quantity and quality as well as the qualification of the staff. Before 1990, the faculty had 02 associate doctors namely Le Van Lan and Tran Vu Tu; From 1990-2006, the Faculty had 01 associate doctor whose name is Nguyen Dang Duc; and now it has 01 Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Thi Dung who was the former Dean of the Faculty, 14 PhDs (including 02 PhDs who are part-time lecturers), 11 PhD candidates who are studying in domestic and foreign institutes and 21 masters and 01 bachelor’s degree holder.

In recent years, together with the development of the University, it has achieved considerable contribution in the enhancement of staff qualification in terms of training, conducting research and transferring of technology as well as activities of the Party, The Trade Union, The Youth Union and The Student Union of the University.

2. Functions and Missions

- To manage staff, lecturers and learners of the faculty;

- To plan and organize the implementation of educational and training activities according to the general plan of the University, including building and developing training programs assigned by the University; compile detailed course outlines, documents and textbooks according to the development orientation of the University; develop projects; research and innovate teaching and learning methods; develop and implement testing and evaluating methods of students' learning and training results to ensure learners' output standards according to announced commitments and meeting the employment needs of the labor market. The development of training programs, textbooks and teaching materials must follow regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training;

- To plan and organize the implementation of scientific and technological research activities, international and training institutions cooperation, and science and technology organizations;

- To develop the teaching staff and facilities for training and scientific research;

- To organize the implementation of political, ideological, ethical and lifestyle education for lecturers, employees and learners;

- To organize the evaluation of managers and lecturers in the faculty and participate in the evaluation of managers in the University.

3. The faculty's collective achievements

  1. Certificate of Merit awarded by the Trade Union of the Education Sector to the faculty for “The outstanding achievements in Trade activities during 2011-2012”.
  2. Certificate of Merit awarded by the university’s Youth Union to the faculty for “The outstanding achievements in Youth activities and movements during 2012-2013”
  3. Certificate of Merit awarded by the Director of Thai Nguyen University to the faculty for “Outstanding fulfilment of the workload during school year 2010-2012”
  4. Certificate of Merit awarded by the Trade Union of Thai Nguyen University to the female staff of the faculty for “The good fulfilment of both house work and institution work by the female staff during 2011-2012”
  5. Certificate of Merit awarded by the Rector of the University of Agriculture and Forestry to the faculty for “The championship in the first competition for the renovation of credit-based teaching methodology in 2011”
  6. Certificate of Merit to the female staff of the faculty for “The good fulfilment of both house work and institution work by the female staff during 2008-209”
  7. Certificate of Merit awarded by the director of Thai Nguyen University to the female staff of the faculty for “The good fulfilment of both house work and institution work by the female staff during 2006-2010”.

Those achievements are the outcome of the concerted effort and utmost concern of the university, the effective leadership of the Communist Party’s faculty committee, the faculty leaders, and the sharing effort and responsibility of the whole staff members. These accomplishments will serve as the motivation for our staff to carry on the outstanding performance and to achieve more success so as to contribute significantly for the continuous development of the whole university.