Home FACULTIES AND ADMINISTRATION Faculties Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Technology

Introduction of Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Technology

27/05/2021 15:29 - Xem: 3662
The Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Technology, Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry was founded in 2010 pursuant to Decision No. 405 / QD - TNU dated on 06 May, 2010 issued by the President of Thai Nguyen University. It was formerly under the umbrella of the Faculty of Agronomy, Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry.

Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Technology



The Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Technology, Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry was founded in 2010 pursuant to Decision No. 405 / QD - TNU dated on 06 May, 2010 issued by the President of Thai Nguyen University. It was formerly under the umbrella of the Faculty of Agronomy, Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry under the name of  Department of Biotechnology, Food Preservation and Processing. Then, the three (3) departments, namely: Biotechnology, Food Technology, and Post-harvest Technology were merged into Faculty of Biotechology and Food Technology.

After five (5) years since its establishment, the number of lecturer has increased to 35, with 01 Associate Professor, 04 PhD holders, 08 PhD students, 25 Master’s degree holders, and 02 engineers. The faculty is composed of 03 departments: Biotechnology, Food Technology and Post-harvest Technology. Through the years, the faculty has grown bigger and better. It provides training 03 undergraduate majors: Biotechnology, Food Technology (including 02 sub-majors Food Technology, Nutrition and Functional Foods), and Post-harvest Technology.


            The Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Technology is mandated to perform the following mission:

            A. Education:

            FBFT was authorized to train three undergraduate programs with three majors, including:

  1. Biotechnology
  2. Food Technology
    1. Sub-major in Food Technology
    2. Sub-major in Nutrition and Functional Food
  3. Post-harvest Technology

            In 2016, it is proposed that FBFT shall offer three higher education quality programs, including:

  1. Biotechnology Advanced Education Program
  2. Food technology Advanced Education Program
  3. High quality Food Technology Advanced Education Program

            In September 2015, FBFT offers Master’s degree course in Biotechnology.

         B. Research:

            Likewise, FBFT is mandated to focus on research areas which are closely related to education, including Biotechnology, Food Technology, and Post-harvest Technology.

            C. Development and technology transfer

            Based on the results of FBFT’snational and international researches, FBFT is spearheadingfor new and high efficient technologies to have them tested and transferred to appropriate organizations and stakeholders.


            The Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Technology offers 4 academic programs, including:

            1. Biotechnology Engineering Training Program:

            - Training code: 52420201; Duration: 4 years.

            - Enrollment quota: 70 students/year.

            - Curriculum: 120 credits.

            2. Food Technology Engineering Training Program (Major of food technology):

            - Training code: 52420201; Duration: 4 years.

            - Enrollment quota: 70 students/year.

            - Curriculum: 120 credits.

            3. Technology Engineering Training Program (Major of Nutritionalandfunctional food):

            - Training code: 52420201; Duration: 4 years.

            - Enrollment quota: 70 students/year.

            - Curriculum: 120 credits.

            4. Post-harvest Technology Engineering Training Program (Major of Preservation and Processing of Agricultural Products):

            - Training code: 52540104; Duration: 4 years.

            - Enrollment quota: 70 students/year.

            - Curriculum: 120 credits.


            There are 05 laboratory rooms for scientific research at Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Technology which include the following:

            - Molecular biology

            - Plant tissue culture

            - Microbiological technology

            - Biochemistry

            - Fermentation technology

            The orientation of scientific research of the Faculty is tied to trades training. It has been implementing some programs and research projects with internal and external partners: 05International projects, 06national projects, and 22local projects.

Results of the implementation of topics, projects are evaluated most clearly through the national and international publications. Six (06) textbooks, 24 international papers and 120 paperswere published on the national level.

5. COLLABORATION IN RESEARCH & EDUCATION (Domestic & international cooperation)

Domestic Cooperation

To reach the educational goals of FBFT, it has entered into many collaborative research and training programs with national research institutions as well as industrial sectors in Vietnam that offer great opportunities for students to get involved in research activities and to learn about manufacturing practices in order to improve their professional skills and experiences. The followings are examples of domestic partners in partnership with FBFT:

- The Institute of Biotechnology (belonging to Vietnamese Academy of Science and Technology - VAST, Hanoi, Vietnam).

- Agricultural Genetics Institute - AGI, Hanoi, Vietnam.

- National Resarch Institute of Animal Science- NIAS, Hanoi, Vietnam

- The Center of Science and Agroforestry Production, Quang Ninh Province, Vietnam.

- VICOBA Beer Enterprise, Thai Nguyen Province, Vietnam.

- SONG CAU Green Tea Factory, Thai Nguyen Province, Vietnam.

- Bac Giang Foods Export Joint-Stock Company, Bac Giang, Viet Nam.

International Cooperation:

International training collaborations with the  World’s top Universities  enable the FBFT’s teaching staff to enhance their capacity through a wide range of postgraduate programs in those countries: UK, Australia, Germany, Japan, South Korea, Thailand and Taiwain. In addition to this, many international programs for scientific research cooperation have also been built, including the following on-going collaborative research projects:

- Transgenic soybean for insect resistance - with South Korea.

- Seedless citrus – with Taiwan.

- Cancer epigenetics (profiling of DNA methylome, methylation biomarkers) – with United Kingdom.

- Screening of natural bioactive compounds – with Russia.

- Nano-silver particles in food preservation – with France.


            Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Technology

            Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry

            Tel: 0280.3853.012 Fax: 0280.3853.012 Email: