
List of international projects

04/06/2019 08:04 - Xem: 3812

List of international projects

  1. Enhancing access to information for ethnic minority women (I2I), EU,Care international in Vietnam, 2017-2020.
  2. Enhancing the economic status of women through value chain promotion of agricultural products (WEAVE), DFAT, Care international in Vietnam, 2017-2020
  3. Using indigenous knowledge to strengthen community resilience to climate change in mountainous Vietnam (APN), APN Japan, 2017-2019
  4. European-Vietnamese Higher Education Network for Sustainable and Bio-economy Forest (BioEcoN) European-Vietnamese Higher Education Network for Sustainable and Bio-economy Forest (BioEcoN), EU, 2017-2019
  5. Improving Quality of Universities in the Northern Mountainous Region - QUNIS Aus4Skill (Australia and Vietnam), Aus4skills, 2016-2020
  6. Improving research capacity and self-dependence capability in breeding process of several rare and high value medicinal plants at industrial scale for conservation. Exploitation and sustainable development, World Bank, 2018-2019