Home RESEARCH Research Centers and Institutes Hi-tech Agriculture and Forestry R&D Center

Hi-tech Agriculture and Forestry R&D Center (HACEN)

03/06/2021 09:49 - Xem: 3829
The Hi-tech Agriculture and Forestry R&D Center (HACEN) is a self-financed R&D center under Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry. The center was established from a Collaborative Agriculture R&D Lab (CARD), which was founded in 2018.



The Hi-tech Agriculture and Forestry R&D Center (HACEN) is a self-financed R&D center under Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry. The center was established from a Collaborative Agriculture R&D Lab (CARD), which was founded in 2018.


HACEN aims to be a capable center in applied research, training, technology transfer and international cooperation in the field of high-tech agriculture, forestry and sustainable production to meet the needs of market and localities in the country and in the region.


  • Conducting scientific research (including basic and applied research) and development of technological products and services in the fields of agriculture and forestry;
  • Transfer of high technology in agricultural and forestry production;
  • Training of high-quality human resource on improved and high technology in agriculture and forestry.
  • Providing advisory and consultancy services on high technology and innovative practices for individuals and organizations.

Organizational structure

  • Board of Directors;
  • Administrative and Accounting Department;
  • Department of Science and International Affairs;
  • Department of Production and Product Development;
  • Department of Training, Technology Transfer and Consulting services.

List of R&D projects and consultancy services

List of R&D projects

[2022-2024] Applying advanced technology in preservation and processing of indigenous wax gourd (Bi Xanh Thom) in Ba Be district, Bac Kan province.

[2020-2023] Conducting pilot cultivation and processing of mountain yam (Dioscorea persimilis Prain et Burkill) for prevention and supportive treatment of a number of diseases to improve human health.

 [2020-2023] Establishing a demo-plot for cultivation of Chinese ginseng (Panax notoginseng) in Mu Cang Chai district, Yen Bai province, funded by Yen Bai PPC.

[2020-2022] Agricultural commercialization: Production efficiency, smallholders’ risks perception and their management response in Northern uplands of Vietnam, funded by the National Foundation for Science and Technology Development (NAFOSTED) (code: 502.01-2019.323).

[2020-2021] Reducing environment pollution in poultry farming through the use of probiotic bedding in Thai Nguyen, funded by SEAOHUN-USAID.

[2020-2021] Applying science & technology in production, processing and value chains development for medicinal plants in Bac Kan province, funded by Bac Kan PPC.

[2020-2021] Studies on theoretical and practical bases for application of hi-tech in production, postharvest and processing of typical agricultural crops in the northern region of Vietnam, Hi-tech Agriculture Program, funded by MOET.

[2019-2021] Establishing transformative social learning mechanisms for climate-smart livelihood models towards rural community resilience in northern Vietnam, funded NAFOSTED (code: 14/2019/TN).

[2019-2020] Conservation and value chain development for mountain yam (Dioscorea persimilis Prain et Burkull) for Lao Cai province, funded by Lao Cai PPC.

[2019-2020] Establishing a registered trademark for Ky Son wampee (Clausena lansium (Lour.) Skeels) in Ky Son district of Hoa Binh province, funded by Hoa Binh PPC.

[2019-2020] Effects of cultivation techniques on the growth, development, yield and quality of some yam varieties in Thai Nguyen, funded by TNU.

[2019] Studies on production technology of multifunctional organic fertilizer for safe vegetable production in Thai Nguyen.

[2018] Establishing a production protocol for potted Bishop’s Castle rose in Thai Nguyen province.

Consultancy services for NGOs and international organizations

[2021] Scoping study on protected vegetable production in Son La province, project on Smart Farming for the Future Generation, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO);

[2021] End-line impact assessment of the 2017-2021 DGD-funded programme implemented by Rikolto, ADE Consulting & Advisory Services, Belgium.

[2020] Endline evaluation, "Supporting the establishment and capacity building of cooperatives in income-generating activities in rural areas in Quang Nam and Thua Thien Hue provinces” under the Green Annamites Project”, Agriterra Netherlands and ECODIT;

[2020-23] Building a Sustainable Agriculture Sector in Vietnam by Applying Agriculture Technology (Ag Tech) Innovations, IFC/World Bank Group.

[2019-current] M&E consultancy services, The Australia-Vietnam Economic Reform (Aus4Reform) Program, DFAT Australia, Hanoi

[2019-21] Socio-economic database revision, Mekong River Commission, Vientiane, Laos.

[9-10/2018] Mid-term evaluation of the Project “Improving child education quality and development for ethnic minority children in Hoa Binh province” (VN020), and documentation of school governance model and development of strategies for the 3-year Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) project in Hoa Binh province, Aide et Action.

[2018] Training on managerial effectiveness and systems thinking in public governance for Da Nang city officials, Malik Institute Switzerland.

[2018] Independent evaluation of SECO funded Competitiveness and Market Access Projects in Vietnam (including SCORE, Vietrade and Biotrade), JaLogisch Austria and Ecorys Netherlands.

[2018] Baseline survey and action planning for the Women Startup Programs in Tra Vinh and Soc Trang provinces.

[2018] Enhancing Contribution of Small and Medium Forest Enterprises (SMFEs) to Poverty Reduction, Jobs and Growth: Diagnostic studies in Viet Nam, ‘UNIQUE forestry and land use’ Germany and ‘Enclude solutions’ Netherlands.

[2018] Final project evaluation of the Project “Keeping Girls in School (KGIS)” in Ha Giang province (Improving education, especially for girls, and increasing household economic security in disadvantaged ethnic minority families), Plan International.

[2017-current] Vietnam Field Support Service Project, Global Affairs Canada, Hanoi, Vietnam.

HACEN products and services


  • Consulting services on design and construction of greenhouses, net houses for crop production and nurseries;
  • Advisory services and technology transfer of agricultural crop production protocols according to GAP (Good Agricultural Practice) guidelines and organic standards.
  • Product branding and development of OCOPs (one commune one product);
  • Short-term training for technical staff;
  • On-demand scientific consulting for organizations and individuals;
  • Agricultural and eco-tourism services for school students and individuals.
  • Consultancy services for research, design, governance and monitoring & evaluation of development programs and projects.


Medicinal herbs seedlings: Panax notoginsengDioscorea persimilis Prain et Burkill, Rehmannia glutinosa.

Functional Foods

  1. Mountain yam cereal powder
  2. Lingzhi-pomelo peel extract
  3. Lingzhi- jujube extract
  4. Lingzhi – honey extract
  5. Herba Desmodii herbal tea
  6. Black bean – centella herbal tea
  7. Gneptophyta extract
  8. Ardisia silvestris extract
  9. IHBT-Diabetes
  10. Corn silk tea bag

Production guidelines for crop production according to VietGAP standards;

Cultivation and processing protocols for medicinal herbs.


Hi-Tech Agriculture and Forestry R&D Center (HACEN) – Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry

Address: Quyet Thang Commune, Thai Nguyen City, Vietnam.

Phone: +84-(0)208 6 282 868
