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Accreditation and Quality Assurance

10/06/2021 14:58 - Xem: 2640
The University has two systems of educational quality assurance at the insitutional level and at the faculty level.

The University has two systems of educational quality assurance at the insitutional level and at the faculty level.

At the insitutional level, the Department of Quality Assurance Management which is estabilished as a mangagement support unit, has a duty of buiding guidelines for quality assurance; developing a work plan for the internal quality assurance and periodically carrying out a self-assessment, registering for quality evaluation and accreditation according to the Ministry of Education and Training criteria and internationally standardised criteria. Furthermore, the department also organizes and coordinates with other units in the University to conduct the quality assurance; get the feedback of stakeholders on the lecturers’ teaching activities and training services, and then propose neccessary solutions in order to improve the quality of teaching, serving and training program adjustations which are suitable for the social needs respectively.

At the faculty level, the faculties take responsible for their quality assurance activities. Each faculty has testing and academic assisstants who are undercontrolled and managed by Faculty Leaders. Additionally, each faculty has a duty of cooperating with the Department of Quality Assurance Management to carry out quality assurrance activities, assess and evaluate the course syllabus, test item bankings, take class observations, get the feedback of stakeholders to review the education training programs; make plans to carry out different activites for enhancing the quality of teaching and adjusting training programs to meet the demands of the social needs.

During the school year 2017-2018, the University conducted the process of validation and accreditation and sucessfully achieved the educational quality according to the Ministry of Education and Training criteria, taking the second place in the national ranking system (out of a total of 119 universities who also obtained the educational quality evaluated by domestic accreditation organizations until February 2019).