Home RESEARCH Research Centers and Institutes Center for Training-Research Plant-Animal Breeding

Center for Animal and Plant Variety Testing

03/06/2021 10:30 - Xem: 3534

1 Functions

·         Researching focused on breeding, seedling multiplication, new productive techniques for temperate crops and agricultural ecosystems.

·         Training and internship for students, extension workers and farmers.

·         Transferring technology and providing consultative services for government, nongovernment programs, projects and communities for the application of the new results of the researches and technologies in agriculture- silviculture into production.

·         Cooperating with Governmental Organizations and Nongovernmental Organizations, international cooperation organizations on the research, services and transformation of agricultural and silvicultural science and technology.


·         Conducting research and development projects at national level, ministry level, provincial level and other localities.

·         Guiding undergraduate and graduate students in practicing and experimental works.

·         To provide short training courses of agricultural and silvicultural techniques.

·         Transferring the advanced agricultural and silvicultural science and technology to production.

·         Giving the consultancy and providing material sources of breeds of temperate crops for the local development of agriculture and silviculture.

Address: Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry - Quyet Thang Commune – Thai Nguyen City

+ Tel: 0280.3855564; + Fax: 0280.3852 921;