Home FACULTIES AND ADMINISTRATION Departments and Centers Department of Academic Affairs

Department of Academic Affairs

03/06/2021 10:12 - Xem: 5230
This department is responsible for managing, organizing and implementing the training, including plans, programs, learning materials, teaching organization and teaching quality according to the Ministry's training regulations, of Thai Nguyen University and its regulations have been issued.

Department of Academic Affairs




- To support the Rector about the full-time and postgraduate training management and development.

- To organize the implementation of the full-time and postgraduate training management.


1. To support about the development and promulgation of regulatory documents in training management.

2. To organize and complete objectives, programs, textbooks, university training knowledge structure in accordance with the requirements of training and towards international integration.

3. To coordinate with the faculties in formulating projects of opening training majors, organize the evaluating of complete projects.

4. To propose target and organize full-time and postgraduate training enrollment.

5. To assist the Admissions Council, the Examination Council and the University's Graduate Recognition Board, granting regular and postgraduate degrees.

6. To organize the opening, closing and awarding of diplomas for full -time training programs, connecting from high school and college to university, the second degree under the management of the department.

7. To develop the plan and check the implementation of the teaching plan and final exams.

8. To develop and supervise the implementation of the practice plan, the undergraduate and master's thesis and organize dissertation and thesis defense ceremonies;

9. To prepare documents and graduation recognition; guide procedures for suspension, expulsion, reservation, re-study, re-examination...

10. To manage blank diplomas and certificates, keep original test scores and training documents. Coordinate with relevant units to provide graduation and postgraduate diploma.

11. To manage development of teaching materials.

12. To report training activities according to regulations.

13. To develop and organize the implementation of new pilot and improve training quality projects of training systems.

14. To assess and confirm the number of lecturers’ teaching hours.

15. To coordinate with the Department of Quality Management and relevant units to check, supervise and urge the implementation of student’s training regulations.

16. To propose with the Rector for transferring, stopping, continuing, and dropping out of students’ training.

17. To coordinate with the Office of Advanced Programs to organize and manage advanced training programs.

18. To coordinate in payment of tuition fees of training systems.

19. To actively coordinate with functional units to organize training, retraining and improving professional qualifications for officials and contract workers of the Department.

20. To effectively manage and use assets in accordance with current law and the University's regulations.


Department of Academic Affairs currently has 13 staff: 02 Associate Professors, 03 PhDs, 6 Masters, and 2 Bachelors.

  • 1 Head of Department
  • 2 Deputy Heads of Department
  • 10 Experts

Contact Address:

Department of Academic Affairs

Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry

Quyet Thang Ward, Thai Nguyen City, Vietnam

Tel: (+84) 3 852.925   Email:;
