Home FACULTIES AND ADMINISTRATION Departments and Centers Department of Quality Assurance Management

Department of Quality Assurance Management

03/06/2021 10:04 - Xem: 4412
Department of Quality Assurance Management was founded on June 04, 2014 under the Decision No.740/QĐ-ĐHTN.

Department of Quality Assurance Management


1. Functions:

  • The  inspection functions of the office are  to consult and help Rector carry out the inspection to  ensure the enforcement  of the law, the implementation of units; protect benefits of the Government; protect the rights and legal benefits of individuals and organizations in the educational field.

2. Missions :

·         Inspecting the implementation of educational policies and laws.

·         Inspecting the implementation of  the objectives, plans, curriculum, contents, educational methods, training regulations, examination regulations; issuing diplomas and certificates;  carrying out regulations of textbooks and lectures; managing finance, properties, science and technology, staffs and essential  works /activities  for  education quality assurance.

·         Performing tasks to receive citizens, solve complaints and denouncements related to educational issues that were prescribed by Government

·         Preventing and struggling corruption in education  under anti-corruption laws.

·         Reporting and summarizing  practical experiences on  the inspection,  proposing measures to ensure enforcement in education law, suggesting modification to the education laws.

·         Carrying out other  tasks  given by Rector.

·         Units and individuals are inspective subjects having responsibility to perform requirements, proposals and decisions  about inspection.

·         The related units and individuals  are responsible to perform the requirements in the inspection process and inspection conclusion.


Department of Quality Assurance Management

Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry

Quyet Thang Ward, Thai Nguyen City, Vietnam

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