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Application guidelines for Master Degree Courses

04/06/2017 07:35 - Xem: 1984


- List of Master Degree Courses

  1. Animal Science
  2. Veterinary Medicine
  3. Crop Science
  4. Silviculture
  5. Land Management
  6. Environmental Science
  7. Rural Development
  8. Agricultural Economics
  9. Biotechnology

- Eligibility:

1. Being holder of a Bachelor Degree or equivalent

2. Having certificate of Vietnamese Proficiency Certificates issued by competent educational institutions

3. Being physically fit for study and research, certified by competent health authorities.

4. Demonstrating financial sufficiency for study, research and living expenditure.

- Application documents Checklist:

1.  Application form & CV

2. Translation of bachelor diploma 

3. Academic transcripts 

4. Medical examination certificate  

4. Vietnamese Proficiency Certificates 

5. Financial guarantee 

6. Passport validity  01 year 

7. Proposal or study plan in TUAF (if any)

8. Relavant documents  (if any).

- How to apply:  By the following ways:

  1. Mailing address / courier to the address and/or directly submit the application to the Office of Research & International Affairs (OIA) 

Office of Research & International Affairs, Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture & Forestry,

Quyet Thang Commune, Thai Nguyen Province, Vietnam

  1. Sending to email: Scan all documents sent to the email of the Office of Research & International Affairs : Email: